Last night I watched Left Luggage – a 1998 Dutch film (in ENGLISH) – and really enjoyed it. The “luggage” part refers to the “wrap around” story with Maximillian Schell trying to find suitcase with family belongings that he buried in Antwerp before the Nazis came. But, really that is less than 10% of the film. The main plot is how his twentysomething daughter (who is anything but a practicing Jew) takes a job as a Nanny for a Hassidic family. That’s all I’ll tell you.
The lead actress – Laura Fraser – seems to be best known for parts in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, though I’ve never watched those series.
The thing that will distract you is that Fraser does not hide her SCOTTISH accent. Seems odd when talking with her father (Schell) and mother Isabelle Rosalini plays the Hassidic Monther and the film's director plays her husband . One more “name” actor is here : Chaim Topol (better known by just his last name) who starred as Tevye in the 1971 film of Fiddler on the roof.
I’m glad I found the 100 minute film and recommend it. NOTE: For some reason the director felt the need for a scene full-frontal female nudity (a diving scene) so be aware of that.