Cloudy Sunday

Cloudy Sunday

During the tumultuous 1943, against the backdrop of a German-occupied Thessaloniki, two star-crossed lovers struggle to surmount prejudice and fear, as the brutalities against the town's persecuted Jewish community escalate. Inspired by the book “Ouzeri Tsitsanis,” which is in turn based on the memoirs of Vasilis Tsitsanis, a famous folk musician who survived the occupation and the war; Tsitsanis himself is a central character of the film (played by Andreas Konstantinou).

Winner of 3 Hellenic Film Academy Awards
Best Supporting Actress (Vasiliki Troufakou), Best Costume Design, Best Makeup

Directed by Manoussos Manoussakis
Greece, 2016
Drama, Romance
Greek (with English subtitles)
118 Minutes

Cloudy Sunday